How to Swing Trade…… UPDATE II
Another update and anther triggered trade from the trade call picks from last Sunday!
The call was to buy ATHN on the pullback at $121.31. That triggered yesterday morning. Again, we did it with calls to illustrate a potential trade. We bought one DITM (deep in the money) call
which was $10.40 at the time of the pullback:

Fast forward ONE day and the stock was trading as high as $130.00 or $8.69 cents from entry and closed at $129.10. With $1,042.00 margin risk on 1 call the trade is up
66.5% in ONE DAY! If you had just bought the stock you could have sold it a day later at the close for again of $7.79!!!

Please be sure to signup for our webinar where Sam Goldberg will follow up on the trades and discuss these new opportunities in the marketplace all based on the methodology we primarily day trade in futures! The webinar is Monday October 30, 2017 at 1PM EST
If you already have an account in our system please Login HERE to register for the webinar
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